On Gilles Bertrand

This page, written by the organizers of the workshop, gathers some information on Gilles concerning his education, CV, important achievements, main research contributions, collaborators, and major publications available for download.


  • 1976: Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures (a.k.a. École Centrale Paris)
  • 1986: Ph.D from Ecole Centrale Paris
  • 1999: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from Université Pierre et Marie Curie


Some important achievements

Remarkable contributions to image analysis

For each item of the following list, the work of Gilles is considered as a reference in the field.

  • Fundamental notions and transforms for digital topology
    • Topological classification of points in 3D images
    • Characterization of simple points (notably in 3D)
    • Topological thinning/skeletonization algorithms
    • 3D-hole closing algorithm
    • toric spaces/loops
    • minimal simple pairs
  • Digital topology for grayscale images
    • Cross-section topology for grayscale images
    • Transformations based on cross section topology (filtering, segmentation, image restauration)
  • Fundamental notions and transforms for symmetric topological transforms
    • P-simple points
    • Critical kernels
    • Parallel thinning algorithms
  • Models for discrete topology
    • Models for digital topology: graphs, simplical complexes, orders
    • Characterization of discrete surfaces
    • Completions
  • Discrete watersheds
    • Topological watersheds
    • Watershed cuts
    • Dynamics (ordered dynamics)
    • Fusion graphs


Selected publications

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